Trusted Supplier of Precision Parts forAerospace, Medical, Automotive, FirearmSights and Grip Screws, and Precision Tool andGaging

Aerospace Manufacturing: High-Quality Parts for Civilian and Military Applications

About Us

EPSP has been producing high quality parts and sub-assemblies for over 60 years. We serve the aerospace industry for both civilian and military applications. Aside from aerospace, we produce components for air valve manufacturers, precision tool and gage manufacturing and custom automobile parts. In the medical field we manufacture parts for skull surgery and cornea transplants.

Quality Policy Statement

We will offer the highest caliber products and services in our industry. We will endeavor to continually improve through all phases of our operations. We will act with honesty, integrity and responsibility in all relationships, professionally and personally. We are proud to provide this "EXTREME DIFFERENCE."

Our objectives are:
✓ To exceed customer expectations.
✓ To meet all relevant regulatory requirements.
✓ To continually improve the quality of our decisions and our products.

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