Founded in 1943 by Harold Aseltine and his son Howard Aseltine, Extreme Precision Screw
Products (EPSP) started out in a small wooden building in the middle of a local junk yard near
Davison Road and Dort Highway in Flint, MI. The shop was originally set up with machinery
that made firing pins for the 50-caliber machine guns during World War II.
In 1951 EPSP moved to 1838 Remell St. in Flint, Michigan, where it remains today. With
additions built to accommodate new machinery and business expansion, the complex has
sprawled to over 16,000 square feet.
With its 25-30 employees, Extreme continues to specialize in components for the aerospace and
military industry with diversification into medical components, firearm sights & grip screws,
precision tool & gaging, and some custom automotive parts.
Contact us today to produce quality products fitted to your needs.